East Coast Diamonds East Coast Diamonds – Rapp Industrial

We guarantee EAST COAST DIAMOND TOOL PRODUCTS to be of the very finest quality' and to give utmost satisfaction when properly used. Because we specialize exclusively in the design and manufacture of diamond dress­ing and truing tools, our customers are assured of continuous high quality and utmost satisfaction. Our product's reputation testifies that we have successfully upheld the highest industrial standards since this company was established.

The role of the diamond tool becomes more significant daily with increasing mechanization of America's industrial plant. Certainly, selection of the right diamond tool to meet your requirements for every operation is of major importance. In your selection lies the difference between maximum and minimum profit.


EAST COAST DIAMOND TOOL PRODUCTS manufacture the finest diamond dressing and truing tools; 5-, 6- and 7-stone diamond clusters with 1-, 2- and -3-layers; impregnated diamond clusters (minimum weight-1 carat); diamond­ shaped cones for radii dressing; natural and lapped chisels; Hoglunds; Diaforms; turning and goring tools made to your specification. Since our single-point diamond dressing tools come in four grades, we are able to recommend without bias the correct grade for each grinding requirement:

Economy Grade - Natural individual African diamond with one reset guaranteed


Standard Grade -Selected African diamond with 2 to 3 resets guaranteed


Award Grade -Choice African diamond with 4 resets guaranteed


Premium Grade -Best available African or Brazilian octahedron diamond with 5 resets guaranteed



724 368-8006




Rapp Industrial Sales

Rapp Industrial Sales